More men end relationships through text messages than women

Is it ever OK to end a relationship via cell phone?According to a press release from, an online dating site that allows users to buy and sell first dates, both men and women are guilty of using technology to break the bad news – but men are the more frequent offenders.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Is it ever OK to end a relationship via cell phone?According to a press release from, an online dating site that allows users to buy and sell first dates, both men and women are guilty of using technology to break the bad news – but men are the more frequent offenders.The site surveyed 7,500 of its male members and 8,300 of its female members members and found that 88 percent of men have broken up with someone over text message, compared to only 18 per cent of women. And 71 per cent of men have dumped someone over the phone, compared to 43 per cent of women. Ouch!For women, breaking up in person was the most common way to call it quits (72 per cent), compared to 47 per cent of also looked at how many people have used social media to call it quits with a former flame. They found that very few men have ever broken up with someone through social media – only eight percent – but 32 per cent of women have used social networks like Facebook and Twitter to do the deed.And it’s not just so-called "regular” people who use technology to break up. Last month, Katy Perry told Vogue magazine that Russell Brand announced his plans to divorce her via text message.