Stop! Let my ears rest now

If it were up to me, I would put a sign post in every plane, train, taxi, bus, and whatever other public means of transportation you can come up with, warning people to just shut up and mind their own business.

Friday, July 12, 2013

If it were up to me, I would put a sign post in every plane, train, taxi, bus, and whatever other public means of transportation you can come up with, warning people to just shut up and mind their own business.Let me explain. I happened to travel recently; frankly I am struggling to put in words the amount of frustration I went through seated next to an old woman who cared less about my fatigue.But let me try and tell this story correctly without missing any details, lest you miss the point I’m trying to make. Two days before I travelled I was under so much stress and as a result I was unable to sleep because I had an important exam to do before I left for holiday.To cut the whole story short I had a debt of about 72 hours of sleep.I am really not looking for sympathy but understand my frustration when I was allocated a seat next to a chatterbox. I say, the woman talked for five hours non-stop. After realising this woman was never going to keep quiet, I rudely pulled out my iPad and started listening to music. How do I explain that even my attempt to ignore her with music failed, and she kept tapping me to bore me with granny stories?I then feigned illness and told her I was feeling dizzy so I needed to sleep. No, she was not buying that crap. This woman showed me that she was not about to stop. At some point I think she was doing it intentionally.You see, I am not usually this rude, under other circumstances I would have loved to sit there and listen, after all, it’s all do, listen to people whine like babies. But this was a difficult situation; I was grumpy due to lack of sleep. I also like to make friends but I, like so many other people, have those moments where you just need your space especially on a long journey. And with a situation where you had a plan to catch up on some sleep during your journey and it is rudely interrupted, how grumpy do you think I got?Anyway, it is good to make friends on trips but I believe it is in order to respond to a hint. We normally have our issues and do not want you draining us with yours.Do not let a clue pass you by, or you will become the crazy one that never shuts up.