Try weed and alcohol at your own risk

Right now, you may be the kind of person who swears that they will never, ever try alcohol or drugs. Well, I’m a realist, and I know that you’ll eventually come face to face with one or the other or both at the same time, and you’ll have to make a decision – to go for it or  not. Well, for those of you who are strong enough to say no to these vices, good for you. That’s your choice, and a pretty wise one.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Right now, you may be the kind of person who swears that they will never, ever try alcohol or drugs. Well, I’m a realist, and I know that you’ll eventually come face to face with one or the other or both at the same time, and you’ll have to make a decision – to go for it or  not. Well, for those of you who are strong enough to say no to these vices, good for you. That’s your choice, and a pretty wise one. You won’t ever have to worry about making any decisions when under the influence, and that will save you a lot of grief. However, do not judge those that are weaker. Don’t act like you’re better than them. You’re not better, you’re just different. Now, for those of you who are going to try alcohol, you might want to hear me out first.  Once, from a night out, everything seemed cool. I then got the urge to pee and decided my room was way too far – I wouldn’t be able to hold it that long. So I spotted a nearby bush and went over to do the unthinkable – yes, I’m not very proud of myself for that. As I felt just how nice it is to pee when you’ve been holding it for some time, a voice behind me said, "Hey young man, do you know the fee for peeing here is 500?” I was startled and quickly zipped up and without further ado, I took money from my pocket and paid up. I had Rfw1000 and he had to take Rfw500 but had no change. We wondered what to do next and just as I was about to tell him to take it all, he said, "Hey, you could pee again and that will make it Rfw1000, then you can go.” By the look of things, I was the sober one here. I just grabbed my money from his hand and run off. I wasn’t one bit worried that he would catch up with me because I suspect he had downed enough litres of alcohol himself!