Weird and wacky world

A police chief’s retirement party sparked chaos when they celebrated by recreating a murder scene - which locals mistook for the real thing.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fake murder scene at police chief’s retirement party sparks panic - UKA police chief’s retirement party sparked chaos when they celebrated by recreating a murder scene - which locals mistook for the real thing. Landlord Pete Williams and staff spent over £200 buying genuine police uniforms to wear and decking the pub out with police tape and chalk outlines.Residents in the rural Lincolnshire town panicked when they saw their local pub covered in police tape and the outline of a body drawn in chalk outside. The pub was suddenly inundated with phone calls from concerned members of the public convinced a major incident had taken place. If any tried to call the police they may not have been able to go through, as most were ironically already in the pub, as the scene was a farce to celebrate the retirement of the Sgt Stuart Brotherton. The landlord even placed mock floral tributes for the non-existent murder victims and spread ketchup on the floor to recreate splatters of blood. ‘Dead’ woman wakes up on operating table before organs are removed – New YorkA woman in New York was pronounced dead and about to have her organs removed for transplant when she awoke and opened her eyes. Colleen Burns had been taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Centre in Syracuse after taking a drug overdose in 2009. She was thought to have passed away, a victim of "cardiac arrest”, and so her family agreed to turn off the 41-year-old’s life support machine and donate her organs. It was not until she was wheeled into the operating theatre and opened her eyes in response to the lights that doctors called off the procedure. Lucille Kuss, Ms Burns’ mother said that the doctors never explained what went wrong. "They were just kind of shocked themselves,” she said. "It came as a surprise to them as well.” Ms Burns, a mother of three, was discharged from the hospital a fortnight after the operation, but committed suicide less than two years later.