We all love money don’t we?

I like how guys sit there and brand all women money lovers as if there is a soul on this planet that does not love money. We fool others and most annoyingly ourselves into thinking that we can be happy without that precious paper but how many of us can say no to it if it were delivered to us on plate? Show me a man who claims he doesn’t love money and I will show you the greatest jokester that ever lived.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I like how guys sit there and brand all women money lovers as if there is a soul on this planet that does not love money. We fool others and most annoyingly ourselves into thinking that we can be happy without that precious paper but how many of us can say no to it if it were delivered to us on plate? Show me a man who claims he doesn’t love money and I will show you the greatest jokester that ever lived. 

Flashback: When it was time for my first tooth to come out, I was petrified. I literally hid under the bed and was scared to even breathe lest they heard my gasps and pulled me out. 

After telling me that if I didn’t pull it out I would grow up to look like a vicious carnivore, I figured that wasn’t a look I was interested in. 

That was the first time I also heard about the tooth loving rat that gladly exchanged money for teeth. That was it! If all it wanted was teeth then by God I was willing to give it the whole set so I could buy enough banana sweets!  

My point is, when people figure out what money can do for them, I think it would be insane not to love it! Of course I am not going to marry a hideous beast just because his net worth gives me orgasms but if for some reason that beast wants to put me in his will, then surely I will give him a bizzou and forever be grateful.

Guys who think women are only out to get money from them should do a little bit more research because the rate at which brothers are emptying women’s pockets is disturbing. The other day, as I took a stroll around town, I noticed a guy probably in his mid twenties holding hands with a woman the size of a baby whale. Now, it wasn’t her weight that bothered me, it was her age so visibly plastered on her face. There is simply no way she was below 50! And there was something on her chin that looked like a beard. 

So anyway, because I was bored, I decided to follow them to UTC, and I confirmed my fears when they sat at Bourbon and fumbled with each other like love struck teenagers!

I had a sneaky suspicion that her wallet looked like a mini bank and I sensed I wasn’t the only one disturbed by the sight of them kissing because angry glares seemed to be poking them from all corners. 

It made sense to me when their bill was brought and she hurriedly pulled out her mini bank as the man sat back in relaxation. 

Then there are those so called friends that borrow money they have no intention of paying back. They manipulate you with the ‘friend’ thing then drain your pockets every chance they get. 

And because you believe you are actually friends, you stupidly give in every time they claim they have problems as if you don’t have problems of your own. 

If you think women are out digging pockets, you are sadly mistaken. Men are slowly but surely beating us at that game!