NURC commissioner arrested

NORTHERN PROVINCE Musanze - A Commissioner with the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, who also doubles as the coordinator of the RPF in the Northern Province, Djamali Mbangutse, has been arrested for stealing over Frw2 million by falsely adding figures to increase the amount of money signed on the cheques.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Musanze - A Commissioner with the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, who also doubles as the coordinator of the RPF in the Northern Province, Djamali Mbangutse, has been arrested for stealing over Frw2 million by falsely adding figures to increase the amount of money signed on the cheques.

He was arrested as he attempted to withdraw Frw1,110,000  from an Ecobank branch using a cheque worth Frw110,000 on which he had added a zero and forged the corresponding figure.

On cross-checking with Ecobank records, it was discovered that on May 25, he had tampered with a cheque of Frw200,000 by adding a 2 at the front and changing the words to read ‘Two million two hundred thousand francs’.

After scrutinising the cheques, an Ecobank bank official, Claudine Dusabimana called the signatories to verify and it was discovered that it was not the original amount signed for.

The money was drawn from an RPF account.
According to a statement he recorded at the police, Mbangutse accepted the crime and begged for forgiveness

The District Police Commander, Dan Ndayambaje, confirmed the arrest and quoted a penal code act that condemns a civil servant who falsifies documents up to 20 years in jail and a fine of Frw200,000.
