Africa should guarantee its own security

Military Attachés of at least 27 African countries accredited to the African Union are in the country for a five-day study tour, with an aim of seeking lasting solutions to conflicts that continue to afflict on the continent.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Military Attachés of at least 27 African countries accredited to the African Union are in the country for a five-day study tour, with an aim of seeking lasting solutions to conflicts that continue to afflict on the continent.Conflict, especially civil wars, have crippled the African continent for a long time.Despite the intervention of international peace keepers, we continue to see more civil strife and conflicts across the continent.  This state of affairs qualifies the common belief that the solution to Africa’s problems lies with the Africans. Therefore, the initiative by the Military Attache’s Association is plausible.  This initiative,  is a step in the right direction. This kind of initiative has the potential to consolidate solidarity and consensus on issues of security among the African Union member states.  This forum should meet regularly and brain storm the future and consolidation of security on the continent.Lack of security in many African states has led to poverty and underdevelopment while millions of people are displaced as a result of wars.Without security there is no development. Most conflict prone areas are facing these challenges, which also have a spill over effect on other countries. With regular dialogue through a forum like this, African countries should be able to overcome these challenges, without waiting for the west to intervene, albeit without any success.