How do I access SME money from BRD?

Dear Editor,Last week, I read in The New Times about a line of credit worth about Rwf6.5b that Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) secured to lend to small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs).

Monday, July 08, 2013
Duncan Mwesigye (left), the EADB Uganda country manager and former BRD boss Jack Kayonga sign the Rwf6.5b loan deal last week. The New Times / File

Dear Editor,Last week, I read in The New Times about a line of credit worth about Rwf6.5b that Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) secured to lend to small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs).

I have a small maize factory and would like to capitalise and expand, I haven’t been lucky in acquiring funding. So, what can I do to get a loan from the money BRD says is to support SMEs? P. Sibomana, Kigali ---------------------------------Social media a good tool to promote businessDear Editor,This article about using social media to improve service delivery (Business Times of July 2) was timely. Before I read the story, I had spent over an hour tweeting about the role of social media and customer care in Rwanda... I could not agree more with what the rwiter said. Rwandan businesses must jump on the bandwagon and use social media duly or else they won’t survive. Customer care entails a relationship with your clientele and not just fending off bad remarks. Social media is an effective way to guarantee dialogue between businesses and their customers. Rwandan businesses need to measure up to this... Twitter, Facebook, name it, all are good tools that will help you enhance relations with clients and, hence, improve service delivery. Ange Rukundo, Kimironko, Kigali