Why beauty parlour should embrace hygiene as well

When you search for the salon that will enhance your beauty and leave you looking stunning, hygiene must be a major factor in your final decision.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

When you search for the salon that will enhance your beauty and leave you looking stunning, hygiene must be a major factor in your final decision. You should always look out for a beauty parlour that cares about hygiene and keep their equipment clean, lest you contract some hygiene-related illnesses.Richard Mulondo, a beauty therapist and consultant at Oriflame Cosmetics, advises that people should ensure that they go to salons where equipment such as clippers, scissors, tweezers are sterilised.This is because many people use the same equipment and may contract some bacteria in the process. The beauty therapist said if one goes for a massage or facial, the masseuse or the beautician has to have clean hands and keep washing their hands."If your beautician’s hands aren’t clean, they might cause a skin reaction from the bacteria that could be in their hands. So you have to make sure they wash their hands thoroughly before applying any products on your skin,” Mulondo said.Different products suit different skin types so to others, it might instead cause health complications.Mulondo said also some salons re-use towels from one client to another even when they are damp at times, which he said is unhygienic.Skin diseasesThe towel might, for instance, get in contact with the body of a client who is suffering from ringworm or some skin rash that spreads so fast, so if the same towel is used on you, you can easily contract the rash, he said.Ensure that the towels are thoroughly washed and not re-used. If you can, carry your own towels to the salon to be on the safe side."Once a salon isn’t maintaining good hygiene standards, then find one which does in order to avoid suffering from any hygiene-related illnesses. If you stay with a ‘dirty’ salon simply because it gives you the perfect touch, then imagine you get ringworms due to dirty towels, your beauty will be invisible,” he said.Oscar Mukiza, who operates a Remera-based salon, said clients should always look out for a hairdresser who is keen on cleanliness, uses clean equipment, ensures that the client is enjoying the ambience."Its always good to have one hair dresser and tell them what you exactly you want and expect from them. This way, you’ll be free with them and be able to give you the best treatment, health-wise”, he said.According to mdhilhealth website, more than 85 per cent of transmitted infections are due to lack of personal hygiene among the staff of the salons and improper sanitation within the salon. Using gloves wherever possible is recommended, especially while handling personal areas of waxing. Sterile equipment should be used in case the instrument is to be re-used and fresh disposable tools are the best way of reducing chances of infections, the web site says.Leaving healthy and using clean equipment shouldn’t only end in your bedroom, kitchen and bathroom go with you everywhere.