Don’t sloth with life, do this dude!

How else can you have healthy body and mind if you can’t try out a healthy lifestyle? I rant on this revered pages every week, sometimes even desecrating it with profanity, but it’s never in vain. Last week, I chanced upon a blog that tied my idle rumblings to health habits that we engage in and end up messing the good deeds like dieting.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

How else can you have healthy body and mind if you can’t try out a healthy lifestyle? I rant on this revered pages every week, sometimes even desecrating it with profanity, but it’s never in vain. Last week, I chanced upon a blog that tied my idle rumblings to health habits that we engage in and end up messing the good deeds like dieting.# Smoke. This is one of the most unhealthy habit and often occurs in men. They feel that smoking is the best way to reduce stress. In contrast, only cigarette flavour disappears while stress and cigarette butts when it runs out, feeling it would come again.# Do not drink a lot of water. Men rarely drink plenty of water; they think drinking water is for sportsmen. However, I tell you, you will want to drink the entire Lake Victoria once dehydration sets in, let alone constipation. For more on this topic, check Dr Kamugisha’s column in this issue.# Mealtime. Men rarely eat on time. You must eat on time to maintain good health and avoid digestive problems.# Infrequent urination. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. If you want to play too lazy to visit the bathroom, then the coffin won’t play lazy. Death doesn’t sloth around with life. Holding your pee is bad habit that can lead to kidney stones.# Not change underwear. Most men have a habit of wearing the same underwear for days, forgetting   genital hygiene. Change underwear at least twice a day. Yes, twice a day, and I don’t care if you are the type that thinks you can wear it until your sniffing habits tells you it stinks.# No showers. To some men lazying around with the shower is acceptable. Even some women avoid showers. This not only harmful to health, but also increases body heat.# Staying up late. I have run out of space; I need to catch a nap now!