Entrepreneurs, the ball is in your court

Many an entrepreneur have seen their groundbreaking innovations come to nothing because of lack of financing from commercial banks.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Many an entrepreneur have seen their groundbreaking innovations come to nothing because of lack of financing from commercial banks.Also, many businesses, especially the small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) that would have made the country’s products competitive have failed to take off or are struggling as there is no bank willing to fund their projects.This has not only left many of the entrepreneurs frustrated, but also meant that the jobs that would have been created were lost. But this state of affairs could change with the  recent signing of a funding deal between Development Bank of Rwanda and the East African Development Bank targeting SMEs worth over Rwf6b.Now the challenge is on the SME sector, especially those involved in value addition, to take advantage of this opportunity and secure funds to kick-start new projects and expand the existing businesses. Securing funding is one of the biggest bottlenecks facing the private sector and more so, the small or start-up businesses.Now that BRD has again made this easy, SMEs should use the chance and develop their project and innovations as well as create more jobs for the youth.However, borrowers have the challenge of ensuring that they repay the loans so that other entrepreneurs can also benefit. Besides, a good borrower is the one that will always prosper and get funding in case of need.This is a challenge to commercial banks to revise policies of funding SMEs so that small businesses or people with ideas are financed to develop them till the production stage.We can tell people to be innovative, but if they do not have the funds to develop their ideas all will be in vain. Remember, accessing funding is key if a country is to develop and create a sustainable class of entrepreneurs.