Analogue TV transmission to be switched off by December

Editor,I don’t think I’m happy with the new move to switch off analogue TV transmission. I am saying this because what the shift means is nothing other than money – I mean paying more bills rather than enjoying free television.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Editor,I don’t think I’m happy with the new move to switch off analogue TV transmission. I am saying this because what the shift means is nothing other than money – I mean paying more bills rather than enjoying free television.

I think that all this comes due to the government’s policies to stop allowing people to open private televisions which would have created more jobs and free TV services.Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (Rura) should understand that not all the people can afford paying those monthly bills, especially in the countryside where it’s hard for people to own a TV set itself.

What I would like Rura to do is to open up the market and let everyone participate in that business so that our poor people can enjoy the fruits of competition  and benefit from job creation as it is in other East African countries.John, Kigali, RwandaReaction to the story, "Analogue TV transmission to be switched off by December”, (The New Times, July 3)