Guys have a great deal of growing up to do

Being a boy is nature while becoming a man is a choice. There is a fine line between age and maturity though some men don’t seem to know they are happily boys at heart.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Being a boy is nature while becoming a man is a choice. There is a fine line between age and maturity though some men don’t seem to know they are happily boys at heart.Last week, I was left with no option but to embarrass some stalker. I told him to purchase pampers and baby milk if that would complement his babyish behavior. He came staggering to my house, past midnight smelling like he had been living in a liquor tank for at least a week. Unpaid for drama unveiled. He insulted everyone including an elderly auntie, threw rocks at the light bulbs and the bathroom mirror until his arm bled, poured out chicken soup  as he forcefully tried to serve some, and generally did the most irritating things you can imagine.Getting drunk and wasted wasn’t an issue, but his behaviour afterwards was.We offered him a room to sleep off his incautious state.When he got up in the morning, he never admitted to the evening chaos nor did he apologise.  Some men either don’t admit to mistakes or perhaps need forceful tactics to own up and clear their mess. At a bridal shower I attended a year ago, these fully grown and seemingly experienced aunties kept repeating, "A man is a grown baby, treat him like your first born child and never confront him, even about his own mistakes.”The talk revolved around handling a man like a piece of fine glass and letting him get away with serious offenses like cheating. Is it any wonder that in some marriages, women act as self-appointed cops to protect their marital homes? It’s vaguely acceptable when a man litters undergarments all over the place, after all, a good spouse should clean up after him. Other excusable vices range from not lifting the toilet seat to binge drinking.It’s often the wife’s fault when a husband acts like a child but a woman’s immature behavior comes down to not being wife material. Men get easy passes where ladies are pinned and judged harshly by their behaviour. Whoever created this whole fallacy of "a woman has to be mature for the man she loves, even when he is a decade older” got it so wrong. We need more mentally mature men who will own up to their mistakes and stand up for their families. Or else ladies should add adult pampers to the long shopping list.