Changing roles: Is it doing more harm than good? (Let’s stick to the original plan)

Traditionally, men have worked and served as the sole providers of the family. Women, on the other hand, governed the domestic sphere.

Thursday, July 04, 2013
Martin Bishop

Traditionally, men have worked and served as the sole providers of the family. Women, on the other hand, governed the domestic sphere. God made wasn’t mistaken when he assigned man and woman different responsibilities. He wasn’t chauvinist or partial; He is our creator, the one who loves us equally.  He gave us different responsibilities based on our capabilities. Like they say, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Our ancestors also emphasized this and so they didn’t tamper with the original settings because they very well knew the consequences of straying away from what God ascribed. Our culture is like science because it also emphasizes the importance of a man fulfilling his duties as a man and a woman doing what she is meant to do.

Today this change in roles has done more harm than good. Take for example mothers today.  After pushing a baby, even before it fully opens its eyes to its mother, she has already pushed it into the arms of a maid. And why does she do this? She needs to resume work immediately and has little time to play house!In many cases, these maids have no time for a child who was left by its own mother. Since most helpers come from poor households, she utilizes the chance to watch Nigerian movies and go on to call her entire clan on the phone back in the village before the call promotion from her telecom company ends.Sure, men can also raise babies but that motherly instinct is what makes women great at it. We like to think that there is nothing women can’t do and perhaps that is true, but when it comes to that particular thing, who does it better? Women are taking the emancipation thing too far. They are forgetting their roles as mothers and would rather spend more time out drinking. In work places, instead of working because they love the job, they choose to work just to prove that they are better than their male counterparts. It’s a shame. We are losing focus on what really matters.

Women need to calm down and realise that there is a reason God made things the way He did. Like I said, it’s nothing sexist, it’s just the way it is, has always been and always will be.