Muhanga District businesses honour Genocide victims

MUHANGA BUSINESS COMMUNITY on Tuesday paid their respect to colleagues who were murdered during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

MUHANGA BUSINESS COMMUNITY on Tuesday paid their respect to colleagues who were murdered during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The commemoration event was organised by the Private Sector Federation(PSF)– Muhanga Chapter.

About 50 businessmen/women are known to have perished in the former Gitarama prefecture but the exact number of victims is not yet fully established, according to Venuste Nsabimpuhwe, a PSF-Muhanga official.

After a ‘Walk to Remember’ through Muhanga town, mourners gathered and listened to testimonies and lectures on how the Genocide was planned and executed. Songs and poems were also recited  in honour of the victims.

At the occasion, the businesspeople reiterated their commitment to help fast-track the district’s economy towards self-reliance.

They donated over Rwf1.2 million to support Genocide survivors in the area. "Their parents, their brothers and sisters were businessmen/women but now they are not there to support them. Why not help them to develop something that would help them make their future brighter!” said Nsabimpuhwe.

Beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to PSF and promised to use it properly and become self-reliant instead of waiting for outside help. Some of them told The New Times that they will use the money to start their own businesses.

Muhanga District mayor Yvonne Mutakwasuku encouraged survivors to remain strong and continue to strive for self-reliance.

"You should continue to work hard to develop yourselves and your country,” Mutakwasuku said.