Appreciating student leaders

I believe nothing beats the joy of being a leader at high school. Many secondary schools high schools particularly my school, the school gives students an opportunity to choose their leaders who will represent their interests. And that is what exactly students do, they look for the best personnel who they believe are capable and confident enough to advocate for their interests.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

I believe nothing beats the joy of being a leader at high school. Many secondary schools high schools particularly my school, the school gives students an opportunity to choose their leaders who will represent their interests. And that is what exactly students do, they look for the best personnel who they believe are capable and confident enough to advocate for their interests.At my school students are given the opportunity to elect student leaders in a free and fair exercise. The belief here is that students are mature enough to identify those who among them are capable of doing a good job as prefects. Responsible student leaders who are trusted by their fellow students eventually make life easier for those in administration since they serve as a link between the students and their teachers. I have served in a leadership position for two years as the school journalist. I strongly believe that becoming a leader is one of the best opportunities a teenager can enjoy while in school. Being a prefect not only makes you responsible and hardworking it actually helps you to improve on your decision making skills. This kind of experience is what prepares one to take up future leadership roles that can benefit the country. After all we always hear that children are the leaders of tomorrow. As a prefect one gets also enjoy all the privileges, respect and recognition among other students. At my school for instance the head boy and the head girl’s school fees are paid by the school. Our school also rewards the prefects with leisurely picnics after they have served their term of office in recognition of their tremendous service to the school. Recently the prefects that served in the year 2012-2013 had to travel for an hour for a picnic at Rwesero beach on the shores of Lake Muhazi. I must say that all in all the prefects had a lot of fun while there. The school paid for everything that the prefects enjoyed including the delicious food and drinks. The prefects got a chance to relax and swim in the lake while others played and enjoyed the natural environment. All this time, the prefects also enjoyed listening and dancing (for those who wanted) to nice music. The day also included moments of sharing ideas. Many of them thanked the school for giving them an opportunity to exercise leadership of serving their fellow students. In his remarks, the headmaster of the school, Mr. Samuel Nkuruziza said, "a good leader is the one that knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.” The writer is a student at Kagarama S.S in Form 6HEG