Gasabo approves Rwf17 bn budget

The Gasabo District Advisory Council (DAC) yesterday approved its 2013/2014 budget amounting to Rwf16.6 billion.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Gasabo District Advisory Council (DAC) yesterday approved its 2013/2014 budget amounting to Rwf16.6 billion.DAC Chairperson Theogene Munyangeyo said  that new projects earmarked for this fiscal year include boosting urbanisation and land use management, basic infrastructure development and relocating of people from high risk zones. About 91 per cent of the budget will be drawn from central government and the district’s internally generated revenues, while the remaining percentage will come from donors.Other planned activities in the social sector include construction and rehabilitation of health centres in the sectors of Nyacyonga, Kabuye and Rubungo.