Vulnerable families in Musanze get iron sheets

FIFTEEN vulnerable families in Musanze District have received iron sheets for construction of their houses.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Some of the beneficiaries with the iron sheets they received yesterday . The New Times/ Jean du2019Amour Mbonyinshuti

FIFTEEN vulnerable families in Musanze District have received iron sheets for construction of their houses.The support was offered by Inter-Churches in the district, in partnership with A Light to the Nations Ministry from US, as a part of a four day evangelical conference that took place in Musanze. The beneficiaries, who received 32 iron sheets each, expressed gratitude saying the support was a relief for them because some of them were homeless."I have received iron sheets to build a house after a long time without a place to call home. I have never had a proper home but thanks to the well wishers. I am confident I will soon get my own house,” said an elderly Annonciata Mukangarambe.  "This support is God’s blessing. Now we hope government will help us get land and other materials to have our houses built.” The Mayor of Musanze District, Winfride Mpembyemungu thanked benefactors for the support and love for the vulnerable families adding they were fulfilling their duty of supporting the poor as Jesus says. She appreciated the partnership between churches and the government to lift Rwandans from poverty."As an obligation, we had plans of helping the vulnerable families get houses within the few coming months and this support is timely. It means the plans to have the houses built have been kick-started, we will do our best to build their houses soon,” she saidPastor Randy Bar, who represented A Light to the Nations Ministry,  said the support is helpful in the spiritual context because with proper wellbeing, it is easy for someone to forgive and live in harmony with neighbours.He commended Rwanda’s achievements in terms of unity and reconciliation and said that many countries should learn from Rwanda."We have travelled to various countries preaching, we have never seen a secure country like Rwanda. When I told my wife I was coming in Rwanda she said Alleluia! Because she knows I will be safe,” he said.