RRA, police to step up war on smuggling

Officers with Rwanda National Police have started training in special investigation techniques tailored to fight smuggling, in yet another cooperation framework with Rwanda Revenue Authority. The move is aimed at increasing tax compliance within the country.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Officers with Rwanda National Police have started training in special investigation techniques tailored to fight smuggling, in yet another cooperation framework with Rwanda Revenue Authority. The move is aimed at increasing tax compliance within the country. The training started yesterday in Kirehe District.There are several porous border entry points along the districts of Kirehe, Ngoma and Bugesera normally used by businesspersons evading taxes, according to the tax body.According to RRA coordinator in Eastern Province, William Nizeyimana, the tax body is currently working with different partners to curb rampant smuggling along these borders."We found it imperative to streamline the way we work with security organs to check smuggling. We conducted training for police and army officers involved in the operations, so that they do it in a more informed manner,” he said.He urged the police and RRA officials to be vigilant, noting that smugglers keep on changing tactics to evade taxes."It is not coincidence that we brought the training and campaign in Kirehe district. This is one of the districts that border Tanzania and Burundi. So, due to existing porous borders, tax evaders easily find their way in the country.”Committed The police’s Revenue Protection Unit (RPU) has been working closely with RRA to curb smuggling along the borders, a cooperation that spans for years.Chief Supt Emmanuel Karasi, who heads the police unit attached to Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), said that the police was committed more than ever to fight smuggling."Kirehe border is a hotspot of tax evasion...we have to remain vigilant. This is what we emphasised in the training. We must continue to prevent, detect and investigate cases related to tax evasion and smuggling and this will require efforts by everyone,” he said.In 2012, The RNP entered partnership with RRA to help in the enforcement of tax and customs laws to fight fraud and related crimes.Protais Murayire, the Mayor of Kirehe, assured the police and RRA of maximum support in fighting what he called ‘robbing the nation’."Tax evaders rob the nation. Government loses money which would have financed development projects, so these evaders hurt all of us.” "The priority is to investigate those areas in which tax leakage most rampant. Efforts being made are great. We also need to encourage whistleblowers to report loopholes,” he said.