Barril did not act alone in the Genocide conspiracy

Editor,At the risk of seeming to want to rain on a promising party, I would like to urge your readership to be extra cautious with the optimism on this story.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Former French army captain Paul Barril. Net photo.

Editor,At the risk of seeming to want to rain on a promising party, I would like to urge your readership to be extra cautious with the optimism on this story.First, let us ask ourselves: Why are investigations opened only now, over 19 years after the cataclysmic events of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, into Paul Barril’s close involvement with the genocidal interim government when that involvement has been well-known all this time, not least because Barril himself has made no secret of his central role?Secondly, if the crime for which he is to be investigated is "his role in keeping a genocidal government in power to exterminate the Tutsi”, what then about the then French ambassador to Rwanda, Mr. Jean-Philippe Marlaud, who godfathered that genocidal government’s creation in his residence in association with Bagosora? What about the other French government officials who provided wide-ranging and critical support to that government to provide it the necessary longevity to almost complete the extermination?Thirdly, am I the only one to get my suspicions raised by the involvement in this case of the normally rabid anti-Rwanda which, thanks to the excellent sleuthing of the Franco-Jewish investigatory site NanoJV, we know is funded by both the French Government and Soros Open Society (yes, the same source for the US$ 100 million bonanza for that similarly rabid Rwanda-hater – Human Rights Watch)?Finally, does anybody seriously think Barril, no matter the personal profits he may have derived from it, was really acting in his own private capacity in his dealings with the genocidal interim government, or was he, in fact, acting as an agent of the French Government?If the latter, how much chance would you give to the likelihood that these so-called investigations, like those that have publicly been initiated against the many Rwandan genocide suspects on French territory and then allowed to quietly drop out of public consciousness, will ever proceed to trial, let alone conviction?I may not be able to say exactly what game is afoot in this theatrical production, but what we can be sure about is that someone, somewhere is trying to play us for fools!Mwene Kalinda, Kigali, RwandaReaction to the story, "Ex-French captain faces probe over Genocide”, (The New Times, June 29)