OAG staff support Genocide survivors

Genocide survivors living in Akagasero village, Bugesera District, have received different kinds of support from the Office of the Auditor General.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Genocide survivors living in Akagasero village, Bugesera District, have received different kinds of support from the Office of the Auditor General. The support to 27 families worth Rwf 2 million also included goats per household. Some other families were given Rwf50,000 in cash to start up small income generating projects.  This is not the first time the OAG staff have extended a helping hand to the village. Last year, it renovated houses for survivors at a cost of Rwf8m.Alice Ntamitondero, the Secretary General in the OAG, said their gesture fits in with the theme of Genocide commemoration this year, which encourages striving for self-reliance."As OAG employees, we collected funds to help them achieve self reliance as well as find an occupation for them, especially those that are going to start the small businesses,” she said on Saturday after the monthly community work, Umuganda. She promised support to more families in the area.  The beneficiaries welcomed the support which they say will inevitably change their lives, for the better.Lukia Mukamusoni, who received Rwf 50,000, said she would use it to resume her vegetables business which had stalled."With the advice I got concerning managing businesses, I know it will grow,” she said.