Skin lightening, hair chemicals... and psychological colonialism

Editor,This is indeed the 21st Century woman, an independent and critical thinker. Slavery in the West and colonialism in Africa may long have been abolished but, in reality, they remain alive and strong in people’s minds.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Editor,This is indeed the 21st Century woman, an independent and critical thinker. Slavery in the West and colonialism in Africa may long have been abolished but, in reality, they remain alive and strong in people’s minds.And you know one has gotten to you when one influences the way you think. This is also the case when an African woman finds her creator given natural hair difficult to manage unless she applies hair straightening chemicals.Since you say you have lived in America, then you know that there are many women in the Americas who have never known what their natural hair looks like because, as soon as they reach age of six, their mothers begin to apply the hair chemicals.Thank you for your bold thinking, hopefully your readers now will also begin to question what is now the normal.Karutasigwa, Kigali, RwandaReaction to the story, "Light skinned? What does that even mean?”, (Society Magazine, June 28)