Dignity is a priceless value every youth should embrace

PRESIDENT Paul Kagame has challenged the youth to think beyond the education they acquire in school.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

PRESIDENT Paul Kagame has challenged the youth to think beyond the education they acquire in school. The President was on Saturday speaking in Kigali at the closure of the first phase of a campaign dubbed, YouthConnektDialogue, which aimed at providing a platform for the youth to exchange ideas concerning national development. Like the President noted, many of the architects of the 1994 Genocide were educated but they lacked the values of dignity, and nationalism. Instead of building the nation for all Rwandans to live a happy and dignified life in their country, they used their Education for selfish interests.The President’s advice touches a bigger picture of the perception about the link between the expectations after finishing school and the realities of the world out there. Beyond the certificate, there are values that if one doesn’t have, cannot make it in the world.Beyond education, individual values and discipline are crucial. The degree is just the basic document to help one think and be innovative. It’s not a direct ticket to employment.  Like the President counselled, after education one must look beyond individual interests. You must ask yourself what you will use your knowledge and skills for.  It should not be used to destroy but to build your nation.The youth should not waste any opportunity that comes their way. Any opportunity, however small it is, is the starting point to build the nation. Don’t wait for that dream job. Volunteer or take up any job offer.  No job is small. Being a graduate should not let you despise some jobs.  Any job you do, you’re changing or contributing to the destiny of the country.