Protect us from rapacious landlords

Dear editor, The government should come to our rescue as far as landlords are concerned. Because of limited or no laws governing these people, they have turned into monsters.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Dear editor,

The government should come to our rescue as far as landlords are concerned. Because of limited or no laws governing these people, they have turned into monsters.

In fact, I have come to question the value of contracts that we tenants sign every other time we move into a new house.

In the contracts, you get the impression that it’s all going to be milk and honey but once you get in, you get to realize that it was all a lie.

I have not had power for the last two weeks simply because my landlord does not need it urgently. And the way he keeps raising the rent, you could think that it’s a competition.

I’m therefore urging the government to come up with something that will protect us from these selfish and unrealistic people (landlords).
