Food prices stable, but could rise soon - traders

Food prices are mostly unchanged across the city. Traders, however, said food prices could increase in the near future because of the dry season. A kilogramme of millet flour was at Rwf1,200 per kilo, while that of maize flour costs Rwf600. Bananas were Rwf190 a kilogramme, slightly changed compared to last week, a mini-survey conducted by Business Times, indicates.

Monday, July 01, 2013
vegetable prices are unchanged compared to last week. The New Times / Peterson Tumwebaze

Food prices are mostly unchanged across the city. Traders, however, said food prices could increase in the near future because of the dry season. A kilogramme of millet flour was at Rwf1,200 per kilo, while that of maize flour costs Rwf600. Bananas were Rwf190 a kilogramme, slightly changed compared to last week, a mini-survey conducted by Business Times, indicates. Beef is at between Rwf2,000 and Rwf2,200 per kilogramme in most markets across the city and a kilogramme of fresh fish costs Rwf2,000. A tray of eggs is at Rwf2,000 in Nyarugenge and Nyabugogo markets. Similarly bananas cost between Rwf180 and Rwf190 and Irish potatoes Rwf200 per kilogramme in Kimironko and Rugando marketsA five-litre jerry can of cooking oil is at Rwf6,000 and that of kerosene costs Rwf1,000. A 600-gram bar of soap is at between Rwf700 and Rwf900. Sugar costs between Rwf750 and Rwf800 per kilo in Nyamirambo and most supermarkets around the city. Groundnuts cost Rwf1,200 per kilo and a kilo of beans is at between Rwf400 and Rwf600.Rice costs between Rwf700 and Rwf900 per kilogramme while a 500-gram bread is at between Rwf850 and Rwf1,200. A kilogramme of tomatoes is Rwf400 and cabbage costs between Rwf300 and Rwf500.