Ninety companies have been suspended from participating in public tendering over procurement illegalities committed in the past three years.
Ninety companies have been suspended from participating in public tendering over procurement illegalities committed in the past three years.According to a list published on the Rwandan Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) website, the blacklisted firms were accused of offences ranging from forgery to failure to execute tender contracts.The companies received suspension for a period ranging from one to three years each depending on the degree of the malpractice committed, RPPA noted.According to the list, over 14 firms will complete their suspension this year, 33 next year and 25 others in 2015. The ban on 16 companies will end in 2016, while one firm is suspended up to 2018. The companies that were banned for forgery of documents and suspended for three years include ECOSAF, ETRACOS, Bonaventure Sarambuye, Newton Consultancy, Global Logistics Company Ltd, SOCOBAT, Ntahontuye Emmanuel, Decoco, ECOGENTI, Copricorn, and N.J Construction.Others are Entreprise Pyramid 3000 Ltd (general trading company), Media For Development, Blue M.K.E Ltd, Ecose Ltd, CEEPTS Company Ltd, Entreprise Mucyo Hirwa Hormisdas, Entreprise de Construction, Neutralite et Verite, Entreprise de Construction Neutralite et Verite, Kigali Professional Cleaners, Architecture Construction Landscape and Graphic Consultant, Skills Enterprise, EMO Construction and Kingstone Construction International. Just Size, SONACO, MEV Construction Company, Rock Construction, HIG Construction & Consultancy, One Stop Multi Services, Signs Care, Bureau Banga and Rectos were also suspended.The list also includes Advantage Technologies Ltd, ASOPHATE, Cube Construction, Entreprise de Construction, Etude et Consultance, Makuza Vision Company, KONIBE Limited and COGACTEX Limited.Those that were suspended for failure to execute tender contracts and breach of laws to obtain contracts include Eastern Hydraulics and Contractors, KENIMAX Trading Ltd, Impuguke and Entreprise ECOF. Augustus Seminega, RPPA director general, early this year urged local contractors to invest money in staff training so that they are able to study and understand the procurement law and procedures."They should train their staff who participate in bidding or drafting of contracts... They have been making a lot of mistakes when preparing the tenders,” he noted.