Bio-diesel project viable, but it could be derailed by opposing interests

Dear Editor,the IRST project is viable. Jatropha tree can even grow on non-agricultural land. However, the project may not survive because of three reasons:

Monday, July 01, 2013

Dear Editor,the IRST project is viable. Jatropha tree can even grow on non-agricultural land. However, the project may not survive because of three reasons:One, very huge personal interests are at stake: the oil cartel here ramifies beyond the so-called private sector as we know it.Two, the success of the project would set a precedent and a ‘bad’ example on the regional level that encourages self-reliance, especially that this region has vast unexploited land.  Someone elsewhere would lose a big buck....This is intolerable.Three, since it is a lucrative venture, somebody else or a group of ‘somebodies’ who are less a ‘threat to outside forces’, and not state, would want to grab the project and its assets to make good money as well. So, Dr. Jean Baptiste Nduwayezu, many conflicting, high-level interests may be involved.John, Kigali