Does eating Too much meat cause Brucellosis?

Dear Doctor;I love eating meat. So my menu has to have at least beef, pork or chicken every day. I am literally addicted to meat. I was recently told that I am at a risk of suffering from a disease called Brucellosis caused by the over consumption of meat. How much is too much meat that could cause this disease? Rebecca, 32, Kacyiru.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Dear Doctor;I love eating meat. So my menu has to have at least beef, pork or chicken every day. I am literally addicted to meat. I was recently told that I am at a risk of suffering from a disease called Brucellosis caused by the over consumption of meat. How much is too much meat that could cause this disease? Rebecca, 32, Kacyiru.Dear Rebecca, Brucellosis is a disease caused by eating contaminated meat, Risk is not related to quantity of meat. Contaminated meat can also cause diseases such as neurocysticercosis, toxoplasmosis, among others. Besides, consumption of meat, particularly the ones you are fond of, is not very healthy. It carries risk of  increase in fat deposition over blood vessels leading to obesity, diabetes hypertension and heart diseases. These kinds of meat also can lead to gout and kidney stones, constipation and related problems. Fish is a more healthy option among meat products.------------------------------------How can I treat this persistent heart burn?Dear Doctor;I suffer constant heart burns. It’s been like a month now and I feel like it’s something that shouldn’t drag me to hospital but problem is that it’s persisting. What is the cause and remedy? Peter, Gasabo.Dear Peter, Heartburns are mostly caused by consumption of alcohol, very spicy and oily food, physical and mental strain and eating too much one time or not eating for long hours. At times it is due to infection by Heliobacter pylori. Endoscopy done helps to find cause of heart burn. Try avoiding these factors. Soft drinks if consumed much can also lead to heart burn, hence avoid them as well. Eat small frequent meals and include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and cereals in it. Avoid taking one heavy meal a day. Treatment is by drugs that block formation of much acid or reduce quantity of acid, like omeprazole, cimetidine, etc. Drinking small quantity of cold  milk provides relief in heart burn as milk also has antacid properties.-------------------------------------I want to push but my doctor says I go for C-section Dear Doctor;I was recently told by my gynaecologist that I am pregnant with twins and that it would be better for me to have a C-section. However, I really hate C-sections and believe I can make it through natural delivery. I don’t have any sickness and really want to push my babies. Am I risking the lives of my babies if I deliver them the normal way? Fatuma 29.Dear Fatuma, The highest percentage of its cause is gIf your gynecologist is advising you to undergo a C-section, there would be definitely a good reason for it. About more than half of twin pregnancies over the world are delivered by C-section. If one of the twins is lying in transverse or breech position it becomes difficult to deliver both through vagina. If one is delivered, the fluid has already leaked out, correcting position of another and delivering him becomes critical for his survivor. Moreover, low-lying placenta, sharing of placenta by the twins is other conditions necessititating a C-section. So trust your gynecologist and go ahead.-------------------------------------I cook in bulk and refrigerate over time, is this healthy?

Dear Doctor;I am a 31-year-old extremely busy corporate guy living a bachelor life. I hate eating out but hardly have time to cook. So I cook my food for a week and refrigerate it then just warm it whenever I need to eat. It makes life easier for me but I heard that it isn’t healthy. How unhealthy is it? Jonah, Nyarutarama. Dear Jonah,What you are doing is done by the majority of people these days, but it is not healthy. Food items lose nutrients when refrigerated and reheated. Moreover, infectious agents such as listeria-causing meningitis can grow in refrigerated foods. Salmonella, an agent that causes typhoid and diarrheal diseases, if present can, grow again when refrigerated food is reheated. If it is difficult to cook many items, try making one or two simple meals, but try eating fresh food at least in the evening.


Why does my body itch so much when I exercise?Dear Doctor;Whenever I am exercising such as walking or jogging for at least 30 or more minutes, my body gets extremely itchy, especially around the thighs. This discourages me from exercising. What should I do to avoid getting itchy and enjoy exercising? Bruce 27.Dear Bruce, Itching around the thighs occurs due to fungal infection, like taenia. When you exercise the area becomes damp due to sweating resulting in itching. It is a cause for growth as well as persistence of fungus.You need not stop exercise. Use some antifungal dusting powder, at least two to three times every day over the itchy parts. Continue it for at least three months even if you feel good after two to three weeks of treatment. This is because after treatment, fungus of the superficial layers of the skin is cured but spores persist in deeper layers of skin. Under favorable conditions like dampness, these spores multiply again leading to more growth.

Use only cotton clothes and make sure clothes worn are not moist in any way. You can continue exercise without any problem.