Drop that primitive belief, snakes do bite babies

Tuesday;Was reading this article in Daily Monitor, a Ugandan newspaper, about a six-month-old toddler who died after a snake bite. A sad story, it was, for an innocent baby to just die like that.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Tuesday;Was reading this article in Daily Monitor, a Ugandan newspaper, about a six-month-old toddler who died after a snake bite. A sad story, it was, for an innocent baby to just die like that.Wednesday;Hubby has been away admiring wild animals and now returns. I ask if he also saw snakes. Why? he asks in astonishment. I tell him about the baby and the snake story and he laughs it off.Thursday;You know, he has always said snakes don’t bite babies. That if a lion found a baby, it would just play with it but not harm it. Things like that. I think those are false beliefs.Friday;The article said the baby was crawling when alone and this snake came by. You babies with picking everything and putting into their mouths. That’s how the snake ended up biting the baby.Saturday;We nearly come to blows. The last time we fought, I pushed him hard he crushed against the fridge. This whole thing of snakes and babies. Hubby insists the snake could only have bitten the baby on provocation. Says the baby could have gummed it hard or that the mother’s rescue effort threatened the snake.Sunday;All sources, online and others, we consulted yesterday indicated that a snake can bite just anything that threatens it. Biting is it’s defensive mechanism.Monday;The lesson is that we abandon false beliefs and take caution with life. Babies die just like adults so they can’t be immmune to snake bites.