FAWE, Plan Rwanda intensify girls education

In a move to further promote girls’ education, the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Rwanda Chapter, in collaboration with Plan Rwanda, have launched a new project dubbed Operation Days Work (ODW) in Bugesera and Gatsibo districts.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

In a move to further promote girls’ education, the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Rwanda Chapter, in collaboration with Plan Rwanda, have launched a new project dubbed Operation Days Work (ODW) in Bugesera and Gatsibo districts.

One of the priorities of the project is to sensitise the public about the need and importance of equally giving the girl-child a chance to have an education.

"Among other mechanisms we are going to use in ensuring that this project achieves its main objective is to establish youth committees in schools that will act as a channel through which students’ challenges, especially girls, will be heard so that appropriate solutions are devised,” said Juliana Karamaga, FAWE officer in charge of the project.

She explained that the decision to have the project implemented in the two districts is not that it is only important for those specific districts but that it was where its partner, Plan Rwanda, is currently operating.

Karamaga observed that although the perception by parents that boys are meant to go to school while girls remain at home to engage in domestic work is gradually phasing out, there were still cases where girls are limited to a certain level of education and yet their brothers advance higher.