Umuganda foundation of dev’t, says Kagame

President Paul Kagame has called upon Rwandans to continue participating in the monthly community work locally known as ‘Umuganda’ because it is one of the important drivers of the country’s development.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

President Paul Kagame has called upon Rwandans to continue participating in the monthly community work locally known as ‘Umuganda’ because it is one of the important drivers of the country’s development.

The Head of State made the remarks yesterday while addressing hundreds of residents of Nyarugunga Sector in Kicukiro District where he participated in community work.

Accompanied by other government officials, the President joined residents in the construction of a 2.5 kilometre road that connects to the village of ex-combatants in Nyarugunga Sector with the main Kigali-Kanombe road.

"Development is our priority and it will be achieved through self-reliance,” Kagame said, encouraging the people to carry on community work while they applauded in approval of his call.

Highlighting that development comes from positive thinking, the Head of State pointed out that the support towards the construction of Nyarugunga Primary School in Kanombe Sector resulted from the community work.

"One of the benefits of Umuganda was the construction of the school because the person who supported us to build the school came up with the initiative during community work. If we were not participating in Umuganda, we wouldn’t have got that support,” he explained.

He was referring to Ugandan President, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who pledged US$300,000 (about Rwf193 million) towards construction works at Nyarugunga Primary School in Kanombe Sector. Museveni made the pledge at a community work to build classrooms in the area while he was on a State visit to Rwanda in July 2011.

"We Rwandans know our challenges and have the will to address them within our means. What we need is to put everything into practice, and nothing will stop us from realising our goals,” the President noted. 

He said that in community work every Rwandan expresses their wish to develop their country and move forward for a better life.

Kagame explained that Umuganda should be a culture and nobody should remind anyone to participate in the activity since everyone is supposed to know its benefits.

"This is the support every Rwandan should give to their country because the benefits are immense and are for all Rwandans,” he said.

According to Paul Jules Ndamage, the Mayor of Kicukiro District, the work done towards the construction of the road during Umuganda is valued at about Rwf 5 million.

"We thank the Head of State for his continuous support during community work. His participation gives us courage and motivation to build our country,” the mayor said.

The road will help ex-combatants who live with disabilities to access both the main road and the Rwanda Military Hospital with ease, Ndamage said.

Theoneste Ndagijimana, one of the residents, appreciated that President Kagame took time off to join them at Umuganda.

"He is a great leader who works together with people to build the nation. I couldn’t believe seeing our president digging trenches. It was very exciting,” he said.