50 for coaches’ clinic

Fifty local football coaches attended up for a five-day Special Olympics coaching clinic at Ferwafa headquarters.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Fifty local football coaches attended up for a five-day Special Olympics coaching clinic at Ferwafa headquarters.

The training program which started on Monday and is being conducted by four local experts; Aloys kanamugire, Antoine Rutsindura, Syldio Semanda and Anaclet Ruzindana falls under the world soccer governing body (FIFA)’s agenda ‘Football For Hope’.

According to Ruzindana, at the end of the clinic, the coaches will be distributed to different parts of the country to put in practice what they will have learnt.

"Every coach will be in charge of ten children who are mentally disabled,” Ruzindana, the national director of Special Olympics Rwanda said.

Places that have been targeted include Kicukiro, Musanze, Rulindo, Gakenke, Bugesera, Muhanga, Rubavu, Ngororero and Gasabo.

The program is organized under the auspices of Special Olympics of Rwanda and FIFA.
