Jobseeker's Diary: Of these irritating cleaners

One of my very good friends at work is the cleaning lady. She’s so efficient, kind and respectful. However, she had to go away on maternity leave and a temp was hired. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

One of my very good friends at work is the cleaning lady. She’s so efficient, kind and respectful. However, she had to go away on maternity leave and a temp was hired. 

HR must have wanted to balance things up because we got a guy this time and along with that, a great deal of attitude. I’m used to getting this from women, not men. I know I can be fussy at times but seeing that I’m not the only one complaining, it surely is him and not me. 

For starters, he comes in really late for someone who’s meant to clean things up before clients come in. Sometimes he walks in at 10:00am and takes his time getting to work. He will not say a word to anyone, but will just proceed to push chairs around or find something to take from the cabinet. Anything in his way will either be kicked or tossed in the bin, including cups and glasses left on desks. 

I have told him many times that everything on my desk is important and yet he still feels the need to clear my stuff. Perhaps his most annoying habit is sweeping and mopping right over your feet and it’s not even like there’s a tonne of mud down there. 

You watch helplessly as he brushes the dripping smelly mop past your feet and you want to slap his stubborn head because you know he’ll do the very same thing then next day. Clients get similar treatment and we’ve had to apologise several times. 

Once, he actually asked some visitors to leave the room so he could clean! I’ve been to offices where most of the cleaning is done in the evening when there’re not as many people in the office. In fact, Rosie, our good old cleaner did the same many times and if she had to clean a crowded room, she wouldn’t be huffing and puffing and making everyone feel like they were in her way. The new guy can’t do that since he’s usually gone by 3p.m. He also happens to be the custodian of office supplies. 

While I usually carry my own tissue, sugar and related stuff, there’re times I run out and would do with some free-for-all office provisions, except that our friend hoards stuff and you have to beg, at times for days before he releases anything. It has taken a great deal of maturity on my part not to remind him that it’s company money and we’re entitled to these things. 

Last week, he forgot his phone in our room and I had an overwhelming urge to switch it off, wrap it in an old envelope and throw it in the bin the same way he throws our things away. In the end, I kept it for him and thought he would grab the opportunity to drop the stinking attitude. I was wrong because the next morning, I asked him to help me pass something off to someone in Accounts since he was heading there to clean and he refused. I should have gotten rid of that phone. 

I have since found ways to exact my revenge. My favourite pastime is shredding paper which I then proceed to scatter around the floor. I used to frown at people who leave banana peels and teabags in the sink. Not anymore. I don’t dump mine there but leave them right outside the bin so he has to pick them up and it gives me such satisfaction. 

It hasn’t rained these past few weeks but when it finally does, I’ll make it a point not to switch the muddy shoes for clean ones so he has some real work to do. I know it’s kindergarten stuff but God knows I’ve tried to be the bigger person so many times but I’m done trying. If he wants to be mean, I’m going to be too.

To be continued…