Muhanga residents urged to fight graft

RESIDENTS of Muhanga District have been urged to contribute towards the fight against corruption.

Friday, June 28, 2013

RESIDENTS of Muhanga District have been urged to contribute towards the fight against corruption.The district mayor Yvonne Mutakwasuku warned that some grassroots leaders and service providers were seeking bribes.Speaking on a local community radio, Mutakwasuku, who was accompanied by the district’s Police Commander, Superintendent Celestin Gatamba, said the role of the population in tackling the vice was very crucial.The mayor noted that some practices, such as willingly delaying services, fixing appointments out of office – such as in  bars, hotels or restaurants – and others could lead to corruption.She also spoke against nepotism and favouritism as well as gifts from service seekers, saying that they too tantamount to corruption. Mutakwasuku also condemned sex corruption.