Public finance management must improve further

Yesterday The New Times reported that the Auditor-General, Obadiah Biraro, informed Members of Parliament that there had been a significant fall in unaccounted for expenses. While presenting the report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012, the Auditor-General told them that money used without supporting documents fell from Rwf10bn the previous year to Rwf3bn.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Yesterday The New Times reported that the Auditor-General, Obadiah Biraro, informed Members of Parliament that there had been a significant fall in unaccounted for expenses. While presenting the report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012, the Auditor-General told them that money used without supporting documents fell from Rwf10bn the previous year to Rwf3bn. He went on to laud seven ministries for their clean audit reports while saying that wasteful expenditure fell from Rwf1.6bn to Rwf850m. AG Biraro informed the joint chambers that his office had been able to investigate 75 per cent of the budget agencies in the country. While this is great progress, no one should feel satisfied. There is too much money that is being misused or embezzled. As Rwanda moves away from external sources of financing and aid, we need to be able to ensure that our hard-earned taxes are being used in the proper manner. We cannot ask our citizens to pay their taxes while at the same time telling them that billions of francs are being misappropriated or not accounted for.It is pertinent that the other ministries improve their performance. As the other seven have shown, good auditing practices are possible. This improvement shows that zero waste is possible. That should be our eventual goal. Let us continue to strive for perfection and not rest on our laurels.