It’s 3:00am dammit!

A friend of mine recently humoured me when he expressed his anger at people who call him at very ungodly hours. His argument was that even if you are dying, there isn’t much he can do for you at three in the morning. In case of a medical emergency, how about you call yourself an ambulance instead of wasting your last minutes on earth interrupting his sleep?

Friday, June 28, 2013

A friend of mine recently humoured me when he expressed his anger at people who call him at very ungodly hours. His argument was that even if you are dying, there isn’t much he can do for you at three in the morning. In case of a medical emergency, how about you call yourself an ambulance instead of wasting your last minutes on earth interrupting his sleep?Now my excuse is this, as long as you are my ex and you broke my heart, the minute I pass the normal limit of my alcohol intake, I shall call you regardless of what time it is. My intention is to remind them just how much I hate them because I figure I didn’t express myself fully the last time I told them to get lost! However, please understand that the last time I pulled this stunt, it did not go so well. I stupidly got wasted and called my ex- boyfriend at an awkward hour only for his phone to be picked up by a woman. To this day I still ask God to forgive me for wanting that girl to choke on her own saliva and die.But seriously, what drives people to call other people at weird hours? And get this, the people that are guilty of this habit often ask the most ridiculous questions, things like, are you sleeping? Or are you home? Of course not dude, its 3:a.m, I am at the beach sunbathing. Fools!So some good for nothing twerp found it fitting to call me at three in the morning causing me to get into a very heated argument with my significant other. Of course like all the other fools, he started by asking me if I was sleeping. Well because I take pride in my fluency in sarcasm I told him I was just lying in bed practicing to die. What else could I tell the moron? My point is this, unless it is my child and of which I do not have one, the only other phone call I can tolerate at such an hour would be from my father. Now short of that, I do not see why all those phone calls cannot wait. I say, even if someone has died, hold it until morning, because I really do not have the power to resurrect the dead. Got it? Great!