Oops, I drink dialed you

Have you ever, under the influence of alcohol of course, made phone calls to ex-lovers you never would have called when sober? Welcome to the world of drunk dialing and naturally, it comes with a few regrets. 

Friday, June 28, 2013
Lilliane Asiimwe Gahima

Have you ever, under the influence of alcohol of course, made phone calls to ex-lovers you never would have called when sober? Welcome to the world of drunk dialing and naturally, it comes with a few regrets.  "I can’t believe I betrayed my pride and told him I still needed him in my life,” said my friend Ann. After some serious intoxication from a drinking spree with the girls, Ann figured it was the best time to tell her ex how she felt. She mentioned how much she missed his company, how she still kept all the gifts from him and how she had recently taken an HIV blood test and found out it was negative.   The confused dude at the other end of the phone played along but it was clear something was wrong with his ex girlfriend. Why else would she call after midnight to break the six month silence after their break-up?  Meanwhile, another male friend after a few drinks dialed his female boss who was twice his age, confessing that he was head over heels in love with her. Disaster befell him the following day. The elderly boss came in with flowers, ready to start the relationship on an official note, while the gentleman had already forgotten what they had discussed over the phone the previous night! Guess what happened next?I have had my share of drunk dialing stories too. One day I called my boss in the middle of the night and lied to him that I had a crush on him. Previously, I called an old friend after a few shots of tequila, accusing her of coming in between me and my boyfriend.  Just the other day, I fired my long serving house help after accusations of being disrespectful. I called my own father saying I was in trouble; the poor man had a sleepless night thanks to my drunk dialing.  And apart from meaningless regrettable phone calls, drink-dialing does nothing good for your character. Imagine bumping into an ex after suggesting make-up sex the previous night… with your current boo right next to you!Every emotion is poured out in just one drunken phone call. People will cry, scream, laugh or act crazy, depending on the conversation.Misery is when you sober up and check through your dialed list and can’t even remember what the conversation was about. There is no way around drink-dialing, as long as the drinks are flowing. So, to ex-boyfriends and anyone else concerned, don’t take those midnight calls seriously. It’s just drama.