Would you divorce your partner if they were barren?

There has been a debate on whether a childless couple can live a happy life. Some say love is the most important thing and that there are options for issues like this, like adoption. Others however, are determined to have kids of their own and won’t hesitate to break up with a partner who is infertile. Society Magazine’s Doreen Umutesi sought a few opinions regarding the issue.

Friday, June 28, 2013

There has been a debate on whether a childless couple can live a happy life. Some say love is the most important thing and that there are options for issues like this, like adoption. Others however, are determined to have kids of their own and won’t hesitate to break up with a partner who is infertile. Society Magazine’s Doreen Umutesi sought a few opinions regarding the issue.

Well, I love children but I wouldn’t divorce my partner after finding out that he is barren because I agreed to be with him in happiness and sadness.Arminda PrimChildren come in as fruits of a marriage, without them, I would consider it a curse. Children as well help in bonding and keeping the family intact, amidst challenges, so to me, no children means no marriage at all.Lilliane Asiimwe GahimaI would not divorce her, I would talk to my partner and we seek possibilities. I would consider adopting a child or maybe letting me have at least one child of my own out of wedlock (her role would be to choose the prospective mother to be). If the above fails, I would do it without her knowledge, besides it happens all the time.Frank AbahoI think it is better to be sure before you get married. Frankly, I think it depends on the relationship and your commitment. And guess what, you can never know for certain what you would do until it happens.Jean Pierre NiyitangaI wouldn’t divorce her but she of course has to let me have another wife for child bearing. It is important to prove which partner is barren since many times women are blamed when it could be the man’s problem.Gonza MuganwaI wouldn’t and I hope that he would do the same for me if I was in his shoes. We all want children and if God has not granted you and your partner that wish in a natural way, then you can adopt. Raising a child is more than siring one. It’s about the need to give love wholeheartedly. We would adopt a baby and start our dream of parenthood from there.Nasra BishumbaI wouldn’t divorce my wife. For instance, in the Bible, Rachel was barren but in the end she conceived. Sarah gave birth at the age of 99. Samson’s mum did not know she would conceive but in the end God gave her a child. In other words, sometimes patience pays, you never know if God will send you a miracle.Rogers RokenWell, I would never divorce my partner even if she were barren. I believe love does not revolve around children only. When in love; we say for better or for worse and when we talk about worse, uncertainties like being barren are things that come along. I would stand with her through such a trying moment. Walking away is never a solution. As men, we have to learn to stand up to the challenges that come to our relationships and judge them with a clear conscious.Innocent Ninsiima