Can you stand a guy who tight - marks you? (I’m not a child!)

Being in a relationship does not mean I don’t have a life. Why should a guy ask about every movement I make as if he came into my life to monitor me? I can’t imagine anything more irritating and frustrating than a guy who turns a lovely relationship into some sort of parental guidance program.

Friday, June 28, 2013
Sheilla Rukundo

Being in a relationship does not mean I don’t have a life. Why should a guy ask about every movement I make as if he came into my life to monitor me? I can’t imagine anything more irritating and frustrating than a guy who turns a lovely relationship into some sort of parental guidance program. When two people are in love, it is natural to want to be around each other. The more time you spend together, the more you get to know each other and your likes and dislikes.  If my guy wasn’t fond of the fact that I hang out with male friends then I would certainly respect that. But if it so happens that I have to meet one for whatever reason there is then I would let my man know in order to avoid any misunderstandings. But make no mistake about it; that does not give him the right to monitor me like a child every second I step out of the house. This makes the relationship boring because of the constant nagging and daily questions like ‘where are you?’ ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Who are you with?’.Guys who do this are not really even in love.  They are just insecure because they don’t trust their girls and to be honest, without trust you have nothing. I love, respect and admire a guy who calls me to know how I am doing at work and if I’d like to go have lunch. Stressing me to the point of near suicide about where I go and who I see will only make me avoid the character even more. I consider this behavior controlling, possessive and quite frankly, stalker-like.  Plus, you can only imagine how many lies I will be telling in that relationship because I don’t want him to get mad. I honestly don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who scares me so the second I notice ‘stalkish’ behavior, I’m out!In adult relationships, you will come to understand that there is no need to monitor each other since both parties are mature. You love each other and that’s all that matters, right? So don’t turn love into some miserable way of life just because you can’t stand to have your partner away from you for even a second!