Police seize fake money at city points

Police on Monday intercepted fake money worth Rwf114,000 and $300 in Kigali. One person was arrested in connection with the counterfeit notes.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Police on Monday intercepted fake money worth Rwf114,000 and $300 in Kigali. One person was arrested in connection with the counterfeit notes. The fake notes were seized at Nyabugogo Bus Terminal and Kinyinya Trading Centre in Nyarugenge and Gasabo districts, respectively. Police said they acted on a tip-off from th would-be victims and the public. The 28-year-old suspect was arrested in Kinyinya. He is currently detained at Gisozi Police Station. He was found in possession of fake Rwf48, 000 in Rwf2, 000 denominations.The suspect was arrested at about 7:45pm as he tried to use the fake money to shop. After identifying that the money was fake, Police said, the shop attendant informed people around who apprehended the suspect as he tried to flee. The suspect said he had bought the fake money from a conduit in Nyabugogo at Rwf25,000 genuine notes. The other fake notes, said to have been sent from Kirehe District by a yet-to-be-identified person, were intercepted at a travel agency. The Central Region Police spokesperson, Urbain Mwiseneza, said they are still searching for the group circulating counterfeit. "We work with traders, banks, travel agencies and forex bureaus, and this has helped us to apprehend most of those involved,” he said.