Credit finance group gives Agaciro Rwf6m

Umutanguha shareholders present a dummy cheque to Agaciro. The Umutanguha Finance Ltd, a union of five credit and savings cooperatives in the country, on Sunday, contributed Rwf6. 2 million to Agaciro Development Fund.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Umutanguha shareholders present a dummy cheque to Agaciro. The Umutanguha Finance Ltd, a union of five credit and savings cooperatives in the country, on Sunday, contributed Rwf6. 2 million to Agaciro Development Fund.

Jack Nyarugabo, Umutanguha’s president, said the shareholders voluntarily extended their contribution as they want to play their part in the country’s development. He said it is not the first time the union was contributing to the Fund, and promised more support. At the same function, the shareholders confirmed Umutanguha’s change into a company.

The technical adviser of Agaciro Development Fund in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Fidèle Ngerero, said the Umutanguha’s contribution is a demonstration of the commitment of Rwandan people toward the country’s economic development and self-reliance. [Théogène Ishimwe]