Harold Acemah’s rabid remarks are not a surprise

Editor,Don’t expect to have any intelligent discourse with Acemah dear Pan; he is driven by rabid anti-NRM, anti-Museveni hatred. Since he believes the NRM’s successful overthrow of his UPC was made possible by the overwhelming support given to the erstwhile rebellion by  Rwandans (itself a function of the likes of Acemah and his northerner brethren inability to differentiate between Banyankole, Bahima and Rwanda’s Tutsi and therefore oppressing both equally without distinction and pushing them into a self-preservation alliance).

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Harold E. Acemah. Net photo.

Editor,Don’t expect to have any intelligent discourse with Acemah dear Pan; he is driven by rabid anti-NRM, anti-Museveni hatred. Since he believes the NRM’s successful overthrow of his UPC was made possible by the overwhelming support given to the erstwhile rebellion by  Rwandans (itself a function of the likes of Acemah and his northerner brethren inability to differentiate between Banyankole, Bahima and Rwanda’s Tutsi and therefore oppressing both equally without distinction and pushing them into a self-preservation alliance).The frustration and hatred of the likes of Acemah also stem from the late realisation that Banyarwanda (Rwandans) are not the easy pushovers that his ilk grew up thinking they were. It is aggravated by the fact that, despite his hatred of Museveni and the NRM, he has lobbied the Uganda Government for either senior national posts or their support for international positions without getting satisfaction.Since he still finds it impossible to distinguish Ugandan Westerners – especially Bahima from Rwanda’s Batutsi. Frustrated as he is, Acemah lumps all of them together into Banyarwanda and lashes out at them.His behaviour is so predictable it doesn’t surprise me at all. What the Monitor is doing is to give him a vehicle through which to carry out his personal vendetta and vent the frustrations of an anti-NRM ideologue. Or perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised given the Monitor’s usual anti-NRM editorial stance. Mwene Kalinda, Kigali, Rwanda********************************Pan, you should not be very much surprised! There are many Harold E. Acemah and indeed they will die mourning their buddies. These guys have failed to learn from experience. They are not learning from facts and figures and nothing will ever teach them. So as the Bible puts, there will definitely be some to perish. Thanks for the very insightful piece. Hope, New Delhi, IndiaReactions to Pan Butamire’s opinion, "Rwanda respectful of all; expects respect in return”, (The New Times, June 21)