Bank of Kigali sheds Rwf7

Bank of kigali share price declined by Rwf7 to trade at Rwf193 compared to last Monday’s closing price whereas Bralirwa’s went up to Rwf864 up from Rwf 857.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bank of kigali share price declined by Rwf7 to trade at Rwf193 compared to last Monday’s closing price whereas Bralirwa’s went up to Rwf864 up from Rwf 857.Bank of Kigali shares traded at between Rwf193 and Rwf194 and closed at Rwf193 and the Bralirwa counter traded at Rwf864.The Rwanda Stock Exchange Share Index (RSI) dropped 0.06 points, compared to last Friday to close at 225.14, mainly caused by the falling Bank of Kigali share price.The total turnover for the day was Rwf560,300 from 2,000 Bank of Kigali and 200 Bralirwa shares traded in three deals. This compares to last Monday’s trading session, which recorded a total turnover of Rwf37.3m from 44,000 Bralirwa shares traded in 12 deals.Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) shares last transacted at Rwf169 while those of Nation Media Group (NMG) last traded at Rwf1,200.            At the end of formal trading hours, there were outstanding offers of 147,500 Bank of Kigali shares at between Rwf194 and Rwf213 and no outstanding bids. On Bralirwa counter, there were outstanding offers of 36,200 shares at between Rwf864 and Rwf870 and no outstanding bids.