Tourism innovation vital

Last week’s caravan tour organised ahead of the gorilla naming ceremony has in many ways proved the tourism body’s unique approach to tourism promotion.  Many tourists were quoted saying the caravan tour had enabled them to feel the country’s natural beauty beyond gorilla experience.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Last week’s caravan tour organised ahead of the gorilla naming ceremony has in many ways proved the tourism body’s unique approach to tourism promotion.  Many tourists were quoted saying the caravan tour had enabled them to feel the country’s natural beauty beyond gorilla experience.The tourists and a host of journalists were able to see new tourism sites. Over the weekend, 12 baby gorillas were named in Kinigi, Musanze district We applaud the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) for organising a successful ceremony.However , there is stiil need to design strategies for sustainable tourism development since government identified tourism as a vehicle for poverty reduction.It certainly will be better for the government to encourage the development of sustainable tourism that is socially and culturally acceptable, environmentally friendly and economically viable.The gorilla naming ceremony is relevant and in tandem with Rwanda’s traditional culture. The government should put emphasis on enhancing the country’s visibility as a strong tourism destination.RDB should also boost its efforts of diversifying the country’s tourism products beyond the gorilla experience to include larger market segments and longer visitor stays.The move to take tourists to other tourism sites was therefore timely. RDB deserves all the support it can marshal to achieve its goals. This calls for all service providers to rise to the occasion and support this effort for individual and national benefit.Besides, there is need to enhance the skills base of the personnel in the tourism industry.  The personnel can achieve little if they are unable to give quality and professional services.Above all, we should be mindful of the fact that development of the country’s tourism products should be guided by the principle of sustainability –there should be a balance between development and environmental protection.