Rwandans join diplomats to taste Korean food

In the sake of a colourful celebration of their fifty years of diplomatic ties with Rwanda, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea has prepared a series of activities that bring together diplomatic figures and Rwandans through different activities.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

In the sake of a colourful celebration of their fifty years of diplomatic ties with Rwanda, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea has prepared a series of activities that bring together diplomatic figures and Rwandans through different activities.

After the June 7 Quiz on Korea that awarded one Rwandan a trip to the Asian peninsula, Koreans took Thursday off to host various people at their Ambassador’s residence in Nyarutarama where their guests tasted Korean traditional dishes.

This consists of various royal cuisines including the Japchae (glass nodded with sautéed vegetables), Galbi jjim which refers to braised short ribs, Hwayanjeok or brochette of beef and vegetables, among other dishes.

According to the host, Ambassador Hwang Soon Taik, research has found that some Korean food like the famous Kimchi are known for preventing cancer, aging, adult disease and obesity.

"We owe a lot to our ancestors from whom we inherited healthy food” he said.

Some Rwandan officials joined dozens of diplomats and members of international organisations at this social event.

They included Dr. Richard Masozera, the Director General of Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority, ministers François Kanimba of trade and industry, Stella Ford Mugabo of Cabinet Affairs, and Jean Philbert Nsengimana of youth and ICT.

"We always meet in different businesses, but social network like this also matters since it brings business as well,” said Nsengimana.

"I like this culture which brings people together; it seems customer care is great in Korea. When these ladies in traditional attire serve you, it is clear that they are there for you and only for you,” acknowledged Sinkazi Remy, the Burundian Ambassador to Rwanda.