Chinese Embassy hosts culture contest

The Chinese Embassy held an oral contest of Chinese culture and Sino-African Relation ceremony which took place at the Chinese Embassy Headquarters in Kigali on Friday.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Chinese Embassy held an oral contest of Chinese culture and Sino-African Relation ceremony which took place at the Chinese Embassy Headquarters in Kigali on Friday.

Contestants at the ceremony were students from Inyange Girls School of Science located in Northern Province’s Rulindo District who competed in showing knowledge and passion about China as they took quizzes, performed Chinese cultural dance and songs.

The best 12 students were awarded different prizes including digital cameras at the event which also attracted government officials, parents and teachers.

About 200 students at Inyange Girls School of Science take Chinese Language courses.

The Chinese Ambassador in Rwanda, Shu Zhan, thanked the students for their work in mastering the Chinese language and knowing China’s culture, explaining that the skills would connect them to China’s history.

The Minister of State in charge of primary and secondary Education, Dr Mathias Harebamungu, who also attended the event, said that the students’ performance shows that they are using their time very well at school.

He added that China and Rwanda have good diplomatic cooperation which has seen the former help in Rwanda’s economic transformation.