Society should take the lead in guiding the young

Are parents really to blame for the unwanted pregnancies of their children? The Speaker of the National Assembly, Rose Mukantabana tends to think so, Teenage pregnancies have haunted society for ages, in ancient Rwanda it was one of the most feared of taboos that came with serious repercussions, society was your judge and executioner. The Speaker could have a valid argument by blaming parents of the loose morals of their children, but that is just a tip of the iceberg. Today, young students spend more time with their teachers than with their parents, sometimes the latter only cast fleeting glances at their children doing their homework and therefore spend very little quality time with their offspring, leave alone shaping their upbringing.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Are parents really to blame for the unwanted pregnancies of their children? The Speaker of the National Assembly, Rose Mukantabana tends to think so,

Teenage pregnancies have haunted society for ages, in ancient Rwanda it was one of the most feared of taboos that came with serious repercussions, society was your judge and executioner. The Speaker could have a valid argument by blaming parents of the loose morals of their children, but that is just a tip of the iceberg.

Today, young students spend more time with their teachers than with their parents, sometimes the latter only cast fleeting glances at their children doing their homework and therefore spend very little quality time with their offspring, leave alone shaping their upbringing.

Schools discipline has ebbed considerably in the last couple of decades, add to it the growing accessibility of unacceptable content that comes with the spread of the internet,, peer pressure and questionable role models on the silver screen, disaster is not far off.

Putting the blame solely on parents’ laps is not addressing the issue adequately: the whole society should be involved or seem to be trying to help. What do adults do when they see underage children guzzling copious amounts of liquor in bars and clubs, a good recipe to dropping their guard?

It is time for all who care to stand up and be counted. As long as the issue is not handled with the urgency it requires, we will continue passing the buck, seeking excuses and shifting blame.