Jobseeker's Diary: I hate it when people make their studies my business

A study wave is sweeping our office. A quick count tells me six people are in school right now, with more looking to join. That should be a good thing. Education is important and without it, the world would be an ignorant and uninformed place with no doctors, engineers, pilots and scores of other professionals produced by the system. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A study wave is sweeping our office. A quick count tells me six people are in school right now, with more looking to join. That should be a good thing. Education is important and without it, the world would be an ignorant and uninformed place with no doctors, engineers, pilots and scores of other professionals produced by the system. 

I don’t have a problem with people going to school for whatever reason. I just hate it when they make their studies my business. I have enough problems and issues as it is and the last thing I want to do is dispense course and career advice, unpaid, to grown men and women. I thought that by the time someone decides to go back to school, they have an idea what course they want to do. But when you bring me a prospectus and ask if you should do Statistics, Business Administration or Urban Planning, I wonder why you’re even wasting your money and time if you can’t answer that basic question. 

One of the guys wanted to do Law and this is someone who can’t even read a newspaper. He might be a good salesman but I don’t see him coping with those cases and papers and I certainly don’t see him creating a buzz in a courtroom someday. So I calmly asked why he wanted to do Law and I wasn’t surprised by his answer: "It’s the best course.” Not, "I’ve always wanted to be an Attorney or Legal Advisor.” At a time when money can buy you anything, I’m sure he’ll get into Law School. Only time will tell how that will end.

Then there’s the guy who feels we should keep tabs on his study affairs. He’s worse than a kid showing off a new toy. The updates start as early as 7.30am and feature the previous evening’s lessons. I now know how many students are in his class. I believe I even know some of their names and who participates most during group discussions. By 10:00, he’s going over the time table. "I thought there were no lectures today but I actually have two...” If someone drops in to see him, they too are greeted with class news. Same goes for anyone who happens to call. "Hullo. Yes it’s me. Sorry I missed your call. You know I was in class and I only saw it later…” 

There’s a time I found him sleeping on his desk and I thought he was unwell. I shouldn’t have asked because I just got him rambling on about having slept late reading for an assignment. By 3 O’clock, he’s preparing for class since he’s an evening student. "I don’t want to be late. My teachers are strict…” Funny enough, he doesn’t leave until 6pm, all the while pacing back and forth and talking about nothing but school and your mind screams for him to leave already. 

Then there’s the bit about exams. He has one every two days. If I remember correctly, we only did exams at the end the semester. There were tests and coursework before then but not every week as this guy wants us to believe. He says the assignments are easy and he’s certain he’ll pass. I don’t really care if he passes or flanks because it won’t change my life in any way. I’ve tried to shut out his noise with my signature responses "Really” and "Hmmm” to whatever he says but my apparent disinterest hasn’t put him off.

Yesterday, he asked when I intend to do my Master’s. After you graduate, I wanted to say but didn’t. "You should start soon, you know. Perhaps at my school,” he pushed. Dude is not even done with his First Year and he’s on my case. Do you feel my pain?

To be continued…