A case of mistaken identity

We all did exams in April and everyone seemed to be okay with the setting of the paper. People called them easy, others said they were too easy and other said goodbye to the modules and threw their books away like primary kids after PLE.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

We all did exams in April and everyone seemed to be okay with the setting of the paper. People called them easy, others said they were too easy and other said goodbye to the modules and threw their books away like primary kids after PLE.Well, it wasn’t long before the exam results were released and people started panicking and taking religion a lot more seriously.  All of a sudden, people were posting spiritual messages on Facebook, being kind to others and churches were all full with students. The day came, the weather in universities more so KIST and NUR was quiet hot due to the rate of sweating. Someone could think it was a cooking pot steaming up. And imagine the way the results were released – you would enter the room, check your results alone and get out. Almost all the toilets were out of service around the rooms where exams were being displayed. It wasn’t because they were spoilt but because out of fear, most students had developed sudden cases of diarrhea. Fear can be really bad. You could guess the results of those who left the room just by their facial expressions. So if one was sharp they would leave smiling and rejoicing, while cursing deep inside. No one seemed to have a supplementary or retake. Seeing that I had two of them, I wasn’t worried because by the look of things, I knew I was going to be in the exam room alone or with a few people that aren’t really my friends so all was well for me. To my dismay, when it was time for the supplementary, I found almost my entire class inside. For a moment I even thought it was a lecture I wasn’t informed about. I wasn’t aware we had all flunked that bad. Naturally, I imagined my results were the highest around, only in most cases that means highest from the bottom.