Help, she’s drowning in alcohol!

Some are independent fun-loving ladies who have worked hard to be where they are today. They make more money than most of their male buddies; they definitely clear their tabs. They also clear the tabs of anyone seated within five feet of them.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Some are independent fun-loving ladies who have worked hard to be where they are today. They make more money than most of their male buddies; they definitely clear their tabs. They also clear the tabs of anyone seated within five feet of them. I know a few who brag about their drinking bouts on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. They go as far as uploading pictures of their wild nights, taken in bars and surrounded by people so drunk it is hard to tell if they are even conscious!Some might think its cool; others will say it’s their business. I say, whoever falls under this bracket needs to style up fast! These women will not be caught dead at any function that does not serve alcohol. Any attempt to get them to slow down will only trigger laughter and ridicule – apparently it’s not cool to tell a grown woman she drinks too much.I understand life is one stressful ordeal and sometimes drinking helps relieve some of that stress. But you can’t relieve stress every other day by drowning in alcohol! I refused to believe that they don’t care about the extent of the damage this could have on them. This country is like a small island, everyone knows everyone. If you live your life prancing from one bar to another, real soon, you will become the notorious bar-addict. If you are married, your family will become the subject of gossip. And trust me; some of these alcohol obsessed women are actually married with kids. I assume they are stay-at-home mums that are bored with their lives. What else can I say?For the single ones, no man in his right mind would even think of getting serious with a person of that sort. Should a friend show interest, he will be discouraged immediately and told never to look in that direction again. As a result, the bottle will become an even tighter friend and eventually, we’ll have drunkards walking the streets instead of smart and sophisticated women. The most depressing thing is that some of these women have the nerve to call men liabilities. Let me get this straight, she downs the liquor and I’m the liability? Wow!There is nothing wrong with having fun or going out for an occasional drink. But hitting bars night after night and being carried out because you are too drunk to walk is simply no way to live. Think about it.